How to start with Affiliate Marketing and earn money.

Ced - The French Marketer
2 min readMar 18, 2024
Affiliate Marketing For Begginers

Hey there, friends! Today, we’re going on an adventure into the world of affiliate marketing for beginners. Imagine you’re a captain of a ship, and your mission is to find treasure. In the world of the internet, this treasure is not gold or jewels; it’s money you can earn by helping sell things for other companies. That’s what we call earning money with affiliate marketing.

Step 1: Find Your Treasure Map (Your Niche)

First things first, you need to decide what kind of treasure you’re looking for. This is like choosing your favorite game or toy; you pick a topic you love. This is called finding your affiliate niche. Maybe you love video games, cooking, or even crafting. That’s your map!

Step 2: Choose Your Treasures (Products to Promote)

Now, you need to pick 2–3 treasures (products) you want to tell the world about. Choose things that make you say, “Wow, I love this!” It’s like picking your favorite snacks for a movie night but for your best affiliate programs.

Step 3: Yell “Ahoy!” (Promote on Social Media)

Time to make some noise! Imagine yelling “Ahoy!” to other ships. You do this by sharing how awesome your treasures are on…



Ced - The French Marketer

Online marketer for 8 years now. Graphic Designer + Money maker ! I'm a passion guy about marketing and lead generation.